Sunday 30 June 2013

CDM Celebration

Hi Lovelies!!

Sory because lambat buat entry coz im so busy lately but my business still run as usual.. Today i wanna share about my best leader celebration in GLAM kak ieja @cdm shaliza aziz. she's officially now our Crown Diamond Manager!! The highest rank in this business.. In just 1 year plus she achieve n turn her dreams come true! the aura is there..jom kita jenguk sekitar celebration ni.. i teruja tau....aura jutawan dah terasa..... :)

Just imagine kita disambut meriah selepas bertungkus lumus mengharungi segala susah payah dan bermcm dugaan silih berganti.. i dont say that this is something really easy but one thing for sure i know its gonna be worth it!! im glad coz i am already in the family group of millionaire.. we are from different background but we only share one BIG DREAMS!! Call me now to be part of the team...


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