Monday 29 April 2013

What & Why GLAM?

Macam pernah dengar kan? But I'm not referring to the GLAM magazine ;) 

So what is GLAM?

I refer to Green Leaders Academy Malaysia. GLAM is a group of young entrepreneurs that using Social Media as a medium to run our business.

Million thanks to our founder, Hanis Haizi & Razali Zain for the brilliant idea.  Hanis Haizi has started this business in 2009 (from just plain housewife) by using the social media & she has transformed into a millionaire just after a few years. Isn't great?


Today, GLAM is the leading pioneer in online marketing in Malaysia. Not only we are all over Malaysia, but we have expended into GLAM QatarGLAM United Kingdom,GLAM Singapore & GLAM Brunei. So our representative is everwhere!

For people that had been following my blog or FB (Thanks so much!), ieja dah 1 year ++ with GLAM doing this business. Alhamdulillah, quite no of achievement under GLAM. 

From bored 8 to 5 job, now I can generate income anytime & anywhere ;) Apart of that, I've been travelling to 6 countries in less than 2 years, drive my own dream car BMW320i & were chosen to be company representative for Bella Talk Show together my leader, Sha Khalid

For me, this is a personal achievement under GLAM. Not only me, there are many more successful leaders under GLAM.

Another indicator of our success is a FREE Trip. In each trips, our qualifiers are increasing. Our track records:

Perth & Switzerland
10 Qualifiers

Hong Kong
60 Qualifiers (2 buses)

Holland & Belgium
50 Qualfiers (1 bus)

100 Qualifiers (1 flight)

150 Qualifiers (1.5 flight)

London & Paris
100 Qualifiers

Our next trip is Shanghai. InsyaAllah, it's going to be bigger!

CHOOSE the RIGHT group. Choose GLAM.



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