Thursday 18 April 2013

G.L.A.M - Be Part of Our Team Today

Hanis Haizi wrote:

"It was just started with a DREAM.
The DREAM Turned into REALITY!! Because WE MAKE IT HAPPEN!" 

Why u have to choose GLAM??


Green Leaders Group led by CDM HANIS and hubby CDM RAZALI, is established after two years into the business.

With continuous efforts and consistent knowledge build up from the top business leaders, the Green Leaders Group  is established and growing from strength to strength.


Green Leaders Group is the YOUNGEST TEAM but yet the FASTEST TEAM to successfully bring a bus of qualifiers to overseas trip.The first big achievement for Green Leaders Group was the successful Hong Kong trip with ONE bus of qualifiers!

 ONE with a bus of  qualifiers number to Europe trip – Holland and Belgium
Vietnam - Almost a flight or 3 buses of qualifiers
Guangzhou with a total exceeding a flight, 5 buses of us

Green Leaders Group led by young generation and strengthened with multiple and experienced generations of X and Y, all ideas are fresh and unique! We like to step forward and move fast!We are the NO 1 ONLINE PIONEER as way back then, Premium Beautiful is not known  as it now, a truly social media revolution in health and beauty business. GLAM - GREEN LEADER ACADEMY MALAYSIAThis training center is for new comer and zero in this business to develop your business successful.Our leader will coach and train new partners on products, motivational talk, technical part, goal setting and especially on Social media marketing (Blogging and Facebook). 


Our Big Team

With my leader and biz partner

with our mentor Hanis Haizi

Be part of our TEAM today!Be in the Right Group!Choose GLAM, we can coach and guide you to the TOP!Let’s make a difference, choose to fly above the clouds!

CALL ME NOW 016-2207975 / EMAIL

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