Thursday, 18 April 2013

Bella Awards 2013 - Hanis Haizi

Wow!! I am so proud to be one of the Premium Beautiful agent & to be part under Green Leaders Academy Malaysia (GLAM). Previously biasa dengar about this product from kawan-kawan. But nowadays dah makin kerap keluar magazine, especially our mentor & also founder of GLAM, Hanis Haizi. Makin senang nak buat business since free promo is everywhere ;)

Bermula dengan Berita Harian in 2011, after that Hanis Haizi keluar magazine Rapi, GLAM, Nona, Hijabista, Harmoni and soon Intrend pula. Ni fara just mention a few of the magazines. Kiranya most of the major magazines memang dah pernah keluar cerita about Hanis ni. Boleh kira magazines mana yang tak keluar lagi. hehe.

Hanis Haizi for Intrend. Baru jer shoot... :)

Now, not only magazines, the latest Hanis Haizi is being invited for Bella Talkshow. For those yang terlepas, boleh tengok di Just look up for Bella 2013 > Episode 40 :) 

But why suddenly Hanis Haizi jadi famous macam artis? Actually her transformation from just a plain housewife to a successful business woman that really inspire many people, including me. Her life is totally changed after wearing Premium Beautiful & with this business. Just imagine at the age of 27, Hanis dah pegang 6 angka income bulanan. Isn't great?

Hanis Haizi with Elaine Daly after the Bella Talk Show

Then, not only our mentor yang selalu jadi tumpuan media, now our company pun jadi tumpuan after being the main sponsor for Bella Awards. Bangga sangat-sangat coz bukan calang-calang company boleh jadi main sponsor for prestigious awards. Memang di akui Hai-O one of the company yang kukuh di Msia & was listed on BSKL since 1996. 

Bella Awards yang julung kali di adakan untuk memberi pengiktirafan dan penghormatan kepada wanita dari pelbagai bidang, such as business, sports, health, beauty and also our artist. Memang tak di nafikan, Bella Awards berlansung dengan penuh meriah & glamour. 

So jom kita tengok antara yang manarik di red carpet Bella Awards apart of our mentor, Hanis Haizi ;)

Hanis Haizi with husband, CDM Razali Zain. Founder of GLAM.

Hanis Haizi with one of her protege, CDM Maisarah Ibrahim. With their dress designer, Radzuan Radziwill

Bella Awards 2013 Hosts (L-R) – Daphne Iking, Hans Isaac, Elaine Daly, Vanessa Chong

Ronan Keating

Winners @ Bella Awards 2013 (L-R) – Fara Fauzana, Dato’ Ir. Rosaline Ganendra, Gillian Hung, Debbie Goh, Dr. Premitha Damodaran, Low Ngai Yuen. Congratulations!!

Even tough kita bukan artis or di lahirkan kaya / ternama, but tak mustahil kita dapat capai seperti Hanis Haizi. All these womans for me are really inspiring especially my great mentor, Hanis Haizi. All this just from a dream, but now become reality. 

So for those have a BIG dream, just start taking your first step today.

Life is short, don't what until you don't have it anymore. If kita takut, just follow orang yang dah berjaya, tempiasnya akan membantu kita. I've been there, done that.

Do call / sms me if you interested to know more details :)


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