Sunday, 30 June 2013


Hi uolss:)

Today fara nk share something why actually i choose to do this business? Infact that, when I have very stabil income?? stabil ke? hehe... and Alhamdulillah if to compare with my other friends, I'm doing just fine? No doubt nowdays its really hard to find a really good job with a stable income.. apart of that even ada yang hold good position in a company pulak tp mereka tak ada masa utk keluarga..keluar keje gelap, blk keje pun hari dah gelap... this happen until la umur kita reach to retirement... agak2 larat x,masa bersama keluarga sgt2 kurang...

Well, that's only how you see it from the outside. The real is, the pay is not enough for someone like me. Yes, you can call me materialistic or whatever. But I call it as REALISTIC.

After a deep thought, only now I have courage to share with all of you why I'm doing this business and been so in love with the return :) It's not easy to tell the whole world about your personal life...But then, I think it is also good to share about it because my story may inspires others to do the same. I hope, In sha Allah :)

Phewwww.....Lets follow me in this beautiful journey peeps!

Okay...First thing first..i could say that I have no complaints about my salary and still Alhamdulillah, I have enough to pay all my liabilities, car payment,bills, credit card, personal groceries, and that already cost me MYR1,000. Then MYR200 for mom's groceries. Saving in ASB MYR 300/month and in Tabung Haji MYR 200/month. Toll and petrol is MYR 200/month on monthly basis, coz i'm lucky that my workplace is just within my house which only takes only 15 min drives and just enough to survive till the pay day again in the following month. Okay too many numbers right? In summary I will have balance of MYR 1,000 to survive till the next pay.

Okay what say u olls?? Banyak? first fara pun fikir banyak and I will survive. But as I'm getting mature (word older is too ancient :p ) hahahaha...I don't think it is enough. I will be 30 years old next year (hint hint :p ), and I have no enough saving to buy my first house, give more money to my parents and many more. Sedih kan? -_-

Wajah kesayanganku..i did all this because of them.. terlalu byk pengorbanan dan jasa seorg ibu dan ayah...

I always prefer to buy my first house or apartment from developer because the price normally is cheaper compared if you buy through agent and I am very particular about the age of the house or apartment that I wanna buy. Takkan I nak beli rumah yang dah 10 tahun siapkan? Just imagine the condition.

Actually, i have a lot of plan & vision but if i still doing the same thing until my retirement i dont think my retirement day would be happy and i dont want to work until @ the age of 60!! sangat sedih kan?? 

Not only that, im a shopaholic.. im addicted to all brand items.. designer handbags, shoes, perfume bla,bla,bla.... talking about this, im getting crazy..n my truly inspired for all my vision to be complete is my great leader CDM Hanis Haizi.. 

To me i dont mind paying more for as long as the things that i paid for is really good and fair enough its for long term investment...u might say that i'm materialistic but as a woman i cant deny that my desire to look great & feel good!! To me beauty is about everything... Woman & shopping is like 'isi dan kuku'...hehe..

Apart from that, i do love travelling but somehow i dont have the opportunity to go far away due to lack of fund.. bukan tak ada duit tp i need to save the money for somthing that emergency perhaps...arghhh...kdg2 tension tp to have something we need to lose something else.. :( thats why i really need to do this business, to change my life and my family future.. i nak sgt bawak my parents pegi mekah menunaikan umrah @ least..

I have been in the company for 3 years and they gave me annual increment in terms of percentage. So you can guess and hope the percentage will be more than 10%. But again this is not enough. Why I said it is not enough?

this is one good example...Lets have a look!
If your base pay is RM3,500 and your new increment in 2014 is 8% , means that your new salary in 2014 will have additional of RM280 and that will make your total 2014 base pay is RM3,780.  Wowwwww Nampak macam banyak kan? Tapi cuba tengok balik RM280 (the 8% increment)  kalau you divide with 12 months, sebulan increment you just RM24.33.. I asked myself is this my worth? Kerja macam tak hengat dunia and no work life balance I dapat banyak tu je? And kalau korang nak tau daily rate, senang all divide RM3,780 with 30 days (or any numbers based on your own company la ) and you will get your daily rate is RM126.

This make me thinking. I did my own projection on how much will be my base pay when I reach 40 years old. Will I have enough saving for myself, my parents, my siblings? Will I be meeting my Mr. Right if I stay on in this no "work life balance" environment?

I know this business for a year ago from kak Ieja @CDM shaliza aziz . She keep on posted about the goodness of wearing Premium Beautiful Corset in her facebook and I have been her silence follower since then. When Kak Ieja ( already my mentor now), told me about how much she get as the return, I'm quite excited to join the business and that time (in 2012)  I wanted to do it so badly but my work  does not allowed me to do so and my mum worried about me. She afraid I will abandoned my business. 

After all, I never give up to tell my mom and dad what are my dreams, what I wanted to do for them, helping my siblings and how I wanted to give back to the society. In March 2013, my mom and dad finally say YES for me to join this business. Once they said YES, I never looked back and Alhamdulillah things goes so smooth with their blessing :) 

Besides that, now I started to have saving for my future :)
All this happened because of this business :) Thanks Allah for the rezeki :)
Okayla that's all for now..

Before i go off, lets view this inspiring video.. Nothing is impossible..:)

Call me now,

CDM Celebration

Hi Lovelies!!

Sory because lambat buat entry coz im so busy lately but my business still run as usual.. Today i wanna share about my best leader celebration in GLAM kak ieja @cdm shaliza aziz. she's officially now our Crown Diamond Manager!! The highest rank in this business.. In just 1 year plus she achieve n turn her dreams come true! the aura is there..jom kita jenguk sekitar celebration ni.. i teruja tau....aura jutawan dah terasa..... :)

Just imagine kita disambut meriah selepas bertungkus lumus mengharungi segala susah payah dan bermcm dugaan silih berganti.. i dont say that this is something really easy but one thing for sure i know its gonna be worth it!! im glad coz i am already in the family group of millionaire.. we are from different background but we only share one BIG DREAMS!! Call me now to be part of the team...


Budget, Budget, Budget....

Budget Burst

Jom baca entry ni...This entry is inspired by my great leader HANIS HAIZI.. 

Yang ni sebagai contoh sahaja pendapatan both hubby and wifey di KL sebanyak RM8000.

Keadaan sekarang dah tak sama macam dulu... everything now is MONEY, MONEY,MONEY....!!!

and petrol makin lama makin naik... groceries kalau dulu RM300 boleh penuh satu trolley...but end up jadi half trolley... Our salary tak naik-naik..

Household macam mana pula? Anak-anak? Especially anak lebih dari sorang... Susu, diapers, medication, insurance, pakaian... and yang dah sekolah pulak lagi lah.. dengan tuition pelbagai..

Nak buat savings? Jauh sekali... kadang2 boleh menyimpan..sometimes not.. cuba check kita punya savings ada tak cecah RM200k... if takde lagi then you should worry.

KAtakan lah kita save RM1000 sebulan pun x12 bulan = RM12,000

nak simpan RM100k kena amik 10 years! and by that time kalau kita sekarang 30 ----> kita jadi 40 tahun. add another 10 years... another kita dah 50 tahun dah baru ada RM240,000

That is way too long!! We could have save MORE masa muda ni! Tapi macam mana nak simpan duit kalau gaji kita pun cukup2 je..

Itu pun KALAU kita dapat save RM1000 a month. Rata-rata yang hanis jumpa... even dah berpangkat Senior Manager susah sangat nak simpan RM1000 a month. Expenses banyak.. makin besar periuk makin besar keraknya. 

I tak boleh nak salah kan sesiapa..because kita ikut peredaran zaman and selari dengan kemajuan. Takkan nak duduk rumah.. jimat cermat je kan.. sometimes you need to go out and have some fun.. hang out with friends.

Rumah sekarang, landed property je dekat KL-Selangor are dah RM500k keatas. Kalau yang bergaji rendah ni lagi lah alamatnya flat or apartment sahaja yang mampu.

We all dulu pun datang dari golongan yang sama..Kais bulan makan bulan... nak makan jugak tempat best-best... nak jugak pakai baju cantik2... sama je macam orang lain jugak berkeinginan. 

Lagi lah my husband the only one yang bekerja... He was only 25 years old at that time.. i plak masih anak dara sunti gethu umurnyaa.. hihih so imagine income sangat2 kecik.. every month we ended NEGATIVE. Nada!

I'm sure ramai kat luar sana yang bertuah kerja besar, gaji besar, rumah besar and etc.. but maybe dalam 20% je.. the rest falls under this category.

So that's why jugak ini memaksa hanis keluar dari comfort zone to get a BETTER comfort zone. 

Alhamdullilah bulan2 i can easily put aside RM50,000... insyaAllah my goals to hit my FIRST MILLION is getting closer! Syukurr!!

If you still keep on wondering... just STOP doing so.. just DUIT! Take action now! And believe me, tindakan saya 2 tahun 1/2 yang lalu telah mengubah hidup saya malahan business partners Hanis yang sedang menuju ke arah financial freedom!! 

Kita semua dilahirkan untuk berjaya..kita harus sedar siapa kita.. walau betapa payah jangan putus asa...

Needs Vs Desire

Hi uolls!!
Happy weekends i would like to share something common in our life..THIS IS FACTS! Our NEEDS  & DESIRES.. do u guys ever wonder n know how to separate between your needs & desire? Semua org mempunyai keinginan dan impian yang besar seiring juga dgn keperluan, kadang2 kita terpaksa ketepikan keinginan itu atas dasar keperluan yang masih tidak mencukupi.. 

In life, there are those things we need, and those things we desire. Where we really screw ourselves up is when suddenly the things we desire, in our minds become things we need. Somehow skg kebykan keinginan juga dah menjd seperti 1 keperluan.. think what that would be?? 
Needs are those things that provide for our daily existence – food, water, shelter. Human love and companionship can most certainly be described as a need, for without it the soul shrivels and withers away.
Knowing what you need and recognizing those things that are wants are an important part of any self-improvement endeavor. Needs provide for your daily existence, while wants are most likely those things that give you happiness and fulfillment.

1. Determining Needs vs. Wants
Ok, well said, needs are very basic, and should be easy to recognize. Strip your existence down until it is naked, and you will see that what you need is not very complicated. To look at it another way, imagine you were stranded somewhere, alone. Go ahead and use the proverbial island if you wish. If you were concerned about finding food, having enough drinking water, escaping predatory animals, and seeking shelter, would you really care about those Jimmy Choo’s, YSL or Ferragamo? or fret because your sales numbers were down during the last quarter? Probably not.
This is an extreme example, but it helps you get your mind where it needs to be in order for you to figure out what is really important in life.. 

2. Realizing Your Own Realistic Needs
Now let’s jump back into civilized society and figure out what really matters. Do you need the corporate job that gives you an ulcer? Do you need your husband or wife, and your children? Do you need your flat in Manhattan? Do you need your Mercedes Benz or BMW? Hopefully, the only question you answered yes to was the one about your family.
Now think about what you really want out of life. Consider how you want to be remembered after you are gone. Now compare those things with your needs and wants. Can you strike a compromise between how you want to live and those things you desire? This is a crucial step towards finding balance in your life. some may said that im a materialistic but to me its realistic! nothing is FREE in this world and EVERYTHINGS is just about MONEY!
3. Balancing Your Needs With Your Wants
It is unrealistic to try to live without any desires. Desires fuel our creativity, energize us, give us fulfillment, and push us to reach our goals.
The problem arises when your desires become your needs. Suddenly your desires put you into a state of desperation, and a desperate person is not a reasonable person, a rational person, or a calm person.
As a result, the desperate person will push away the people around them, rather than drawing them in.
This is an important concept to keep in mind as you continue your journey to self-improvement. Wants, or desires, are things we would like to have but they do not sustain us. When you are prioritizing your life, first give your attention to those things that ensure your existence, your happiness, and your well-being. Look at anything above and beyond that as icing on the cake.
When it comes to finding your balance between your needs and your wants, this is where you may need to find that compromise. Rather than insist on the brand new Mercedes, buy one that is two years old but in great condition. Or buy a loaded car like the Hyundai Sonata at half the price. Choose the options that do not put a strain on your bank account or your emotional well-being. Use this philosophy in all aspects of your life to bring everything into harmony.



Side Income

10 Reasons to Start Your GLAM Business

Ramai yang tak realize sebenarnya kita ni kena ada side income. Rata-rata yang buat side income ni adalah golongan muda. Kebanyakkan yang tinggal kt bandar hanya tinggal cukup-cukup makan je untuk sampai hujung bulan. Tp pelik jugak bila ada yang kata rezeki mereka cukup la utk hidup... cukup ke?? mmg kita perlu bersyukur dgn ape yg ada but somehow or rather nowdays its all about MONEY!!! ada juga yg ckp Duit bukanlah segalanya tp segala-galanya sekarang perlukan DUIT!! 

Let me share with u guys something that inspired by my direct leader CDM Shaliza Aziz, kenapa kita perlu start bisnes dengan GLAM!!

1) Saving

Ramai yang buat saving thru pinjaman especially ASB Loan. Zaman sekarang kalau gaji RM3,000 dikategorikan dalam golongan pendapatan rendah, especially yang tinggal di bandar. Selepas tolak semua hutang, ada yang tak boleh nak menyimpan disebabkan gaji tinggal cukup-cukup sampai hujung bulan. Bayangkan kalau kita buat side income, tentu kita boleh simpan lebih untuk anak-anak, emergency, balik kampung, nak beli rumah, nak kahwin.. macam-macam boleh buat sekiranya kita ada emergency.

One of the reasons kenapa Fara buat side income ialah SAVING. Majoriti daripada kami impikan saving yang banyak untuk masa hadapan. Bayangkan kalau abis bulan abis gaji, simpanan plak mmg tak ada langsung, so how are u gonna face your future?? tanya pada diri,umur kita sekarang berapa and how much savings that we have after retirement nnt? nk harap duit epf je cukup ke?? kalau x digunakan untuk emergency nnt... 

2) Nak settlekan hutang keliling pinggang 

Kebanyakan orang berhutang dalam dunia ni. Mana tak nya, nak beli kereta, rumah, perabot pun nk berhutang. Tu tak masuk lagi lagi hutang dengan sesama manusia. Semakin lama kerja, naik gaji sikit mula la nak buat loan, especially personal loan. Asyik bertambah je... And this is happen to me jugak! bukan tu sahaja, hutang PTPTN pun belum habis bayar.. Sedih kn??? !

Zaman sekarang orang-orang muda tak sampai umur 30, loan dah maximum. Ada jugak yang muda-muda dah blacklist atau muflis. Sementara loan kita tak maximum lagi lebih baik mula kan sesuatu. Bisnes dengan GLAM tak perlu overhead cost. Semuanya menggunakan social media marketing.

3) Credit Card payment

Sememangnya credit card sangat-sangat la menjadi medium untuk bershopping atau bayar apa saja sampai tak perasan dah sampai had limit. Nak bayar pulak jadi risau sebab terlalu tinggi bil.

Ada orang yang mempunyai lebih dari 3 credit card. Ada yang sampai kena muflis diusia muda.

4) Berkahwin / Bertunang

Ramai yang nak berkahwin buat loan disebabkan tak ada duit simpanan. Hantaran zaman sekarang kalau tak cecah RM10,000 tak sah kan. Saggup berhabis-habisan untuk make sure majlis meriah dan untuk kenang-kenangan.
Kos mak andam, pelamin, katering, semuanya dah mahal. So, cara terbaik ialah buat bisnes dapat side income boleh guna untuk majlis nanti.

5. Shopping

Tak kira lelaki atau perempuan semua mesti suka shopping kan. Ada orang buat loan utk raya sebab nak shopping untuk persiapan raya tak cukup duit. Kalau kita ada extra income, apa salahnya kalau shopping untuk diri sendiri & family kan. Macam mentor kami Hanis Haizi, suka shopping dari hasil duit bonus. Bayar pun pakai cash je. Fuhhh. 

6. Down-payment kereta & rumah

Zaman sekarang kos untuk beli rumah sangat mahal, bayangkan nanti kalau zaman anak-anak kita. Property yg ada kat bandar berganda naik. Menurut kajian, kebanyakkan orang muda yang berpendapatan RM6,000 ke atas baru mampu untuk miliki rumah teres di kawasan bandar. Harga apartment atau condo pun dah lebih RM200,000.

So, bayangkan, kalau harga rumah RM300,000 ke atas dan loan 90%, kita kena bayar downpayment RM30,000. Those yang baru bekerja duit KWSP pun belum tentu cukup untuk bayar 10%. Semakin lama kos rumah semakin meningkat.

7. To give MORE to our parents

Bayangkan kalau kita boleh beri elaun kepada mak ayah kita lebih dari SERIBU sebulan. Bersyukurkan!! Selama mereka besarkan kita, terlalu banyak pengorbanan so alangkah bahagianya bila kita dapat gembirakan mereka. Diorang tak minta wang ringgit tapi sedikit sebanyak boleh beri keselesaan kepada mereka. Beli apa yang mereka suka dan yang penting ingatan pada mereka. dan ini juga adalah sbb utama kenapa fara buat business ni.. terlalu byk pengorbanan mak ayah fara sehingga menjadikan fara seorang insan yang berjaya.. dan atas doa mereka juga yang menjadikan fra lebih kuat untuk teruskan perjuangan dalam dunia perniagaan ini...Aminn..

8. College fees

Ini untuk anak-anak kita. Kena buat simpanan dari SEKARANG. Mana tau satu hari nanti PTPTN dah tak disediakan. Loan PTPTN kena bayar bila start kerja, so mengurangkan gaji bersih. Tak semua company boleh offer gaji yang besar, at least bila dah ada side income tak perlu risau untuk survive. 

Sebab tu la sekarang ramai student-student IPT dah mula buat side income.

9. Emergency

Bila cakap tentang emergency, ramai yang boleh agak kan. Kereta rosak, sakit, family matter, repair rumah dan banyak lagi. At least bila ada side income boleh kita gunakan untuk apa-apa je kejadian yang kita tak rancang. 

10. Persiapan Hari Raya

Sekarang dah masuk bulan Syaaban. Tak lama lagi Ramadhan, pastu Syawal. Untuk persiapan puasa, apa salahnya kalau kita beri duit belanja untuk mak ayah dan keluarga untuk keperluan mereka. Yang paling penting Zakat Fitrah. Dah siap ke segala persiapan raya? Confirm banyak yang perlu dibelanjakan untuk keluarga kan. Duit pun banyak nak pakai untuk persiapan raya. Baju raya, service kereta, untuk mak ayah adik beradik dan macam2. Kalau yang tak dapat bonus, terpaksa la guna duit gaji je... ada juga sanggup buat loan :P

Sebab tu la ramai yang buat side income untuk persiapan raya. Jangan takut untuk berubah. Setiap usaha InsyaAllah akan rezeki, asalkan niat yang ikhlas. 

Sedikit sebanyak yang boleh Fara share kenapa kita buat side income. Di GLAM majoriti yang buat side income adalah untuk mengubah nasib keluarga untuk lebih baik. Bukan untuk bermewah-mewah, tapi usaha yang kita buat dapat memberi impak pada diri kita sendiri dan family demi masa depan. Kita akan lebih positive,menguatkan diri kita untuk jadi yang lebih baik dan sentiasa bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah.

Sementara kita masih sihat, berusaha lah untuk kebaikan dan semi masa depan kita dan anak-anak.


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Men in Glam

The Man behind the success of GLAM

Siapa kata kaum lelaki tak boleh buat bisnes jual barangan wanita. Dalam bisnes ni tak ada limit untuk sesiapa yang nak cari income. Ramai je lelaki dalam GLAM, kebanyakkan jual Bio Zone Food Purifier.
Bila join GLAM, rupanya ramai lelaki especially husband-husband GLAMpreneur. Ada yang dulu tak support, sekarang dah support sebab dah nampak bukti kejayaan wife masing-masing. Ada yang dah pangkat tinggi dan jadi advisor untuk team masing-masing ..
Special utk kaum lelaki & husband-husband tak galakan isteri-isteri buat part time bisnes. Jom baca entry ni.. yang pasti bukan modal sebagai alasan tapi ada keinginan untuk mengubah nasib & masa depan keluarga.
Full entry from our mentor Hanis Haizi !!
(Ain't No Other Man!! The Man behind the success of GLAM)

Ain't no other man can stand up next to youAin't no other man on the planet does what you doYou're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moonYou got soul, you got class, you got style with your bad ass

Yeah aint no other man!

Today I would like to share with you guys,
the MEN behind GLAM!

Starting with 

CDM Razali Zain, he is the master mind behind all the GLAM establishment. He is the Principal Manager and Co-Founder of Green Leaders Academy Malaysia. He has been doing the business 3 years full time. 

Previously, a Software Engineer working with various Multi National Companies such as IBM & Motorola etc. He developed the methods that we use today through social media marketing, he's currently GLAM's social media strategist, Web and SEO Consultant. 

He is one of the main reason why GLAM are the Pioneers of Online Marketing in Malaysia today! 

CDM Syukran Helmi is from Kedah, has been doing the business together with GLAM full time 2 years ago. He used to be a Mechanical Engineer working with HUME CONCRETE. He's also one of the back bone in GLAM today.  

Using his experiences in Project Management he has successfully developed the Green Leaders Academy Malaysia training centre. 

He's also known as the Garam Buluh King! :) because he is the King in selling bamboo salt! He now helps to organize, manage and lead the team very well in day-to-day operations. 

DDM Dr. Hasbi Harun is from Kuala Terengganu. A medical doctor now turns full time entrepreneur. After 6 months he decided to take unpaid leave to focus on business for Paris and London trips. Dr Hasbi also is the "Doctor" Biozone. 

He is also the leading man behind GLAM's famous "meme" in our GLAM Harlem Shake Video! His willingness to learn from start, although he has no strong IT background, has made him into one of the successful and committed social media marketing team member under GLAM. 

He now teaches and handles the social media marketing training for his team and has helped his partners to set up their online marketing beside becoming an SEO consultant.

DDM Zaer Ali was a Project Manager at Mesin Niaga prior to joining GLAM. He left his 15 years career in IT industry to do the business with GLAM full time. 

He has a very strong IT background and was in charge in huge projects. DDM Zaer is the person responsible behind the creation of Premium Beautiful Calculator for Android apps and also puts the name of Green Leader Academy Malaysia on Google map. 

Zaer is now one of the main speaker, contributors for our Social Media Marketing Team under GLAM.

DDM Ashraf Naseruddin currently works at Exxonmobil KLBSC as a Network Analyst. He deals with network applications and involves heavily in telecommunications project. Acting as an interface coordinator between engineering and technical support for end user customers. 

His extensive knowledge in networks makes him an ideal addition to the social media marketing team under GLAM. With a very strong IT background, he gives 100% commitment to his team of GLAMpreneuers. 

He is now currently helping his partners on issues ranging from social media, set up and manage a website and become seo consultant. 

DSM Arman Azam, a Lecturer by profession, a photographer and entrepreneur from Johor. He is our cousin in law, business has brought us closer. Tak kenal maka tak cinta?. 

He is the biggest supporter and is responsible for developing GLAM Johor. He handles classes, training and events for GLAM Johor and develop all the GLAM proteges. 

DSM Yusmaizi Yusoff is a technician working with Petronas in Terengganu. Together with his group he rocks Pantai Timur! He is very business minded and very determined. 

Despite the distance being a big challenge he has no issues to commit with GLAM. Now KL is his second home, with his strong support to GLAM Terengganu Team, the team has grown bigger than ever. 

DSM Khairul Anwar, work as an Architect in one of the well known architect firm in Kuala Lumpur. Doing this business as part time. He gives his full support and dedication ever since he step in the business. 

DSM Khairul has been traveling with GLAM from Hong Kong - Holland - Belgium - Vietnam & Guangzhou. Despite his busy schedule he still manages to develop his team members some from Kuantan, Terengganu and Melaka.

DSM Rijaludin Ahmad is a professional with professional sales and marketing background with a masters degree in Strategic Management. He is now working with one of the biggest telecommunications company in Malaysia.  

He is a perfectionist in his own passion. A person whom will survived in any groups of friends and lovable by friends and colleagues. He is very busy person with his corporate life but still see the need and importance to do the business.

DSM Ridhuan Che Rus , works as an Economic Affairs Executive at MIDA, In his early stages he refuses to follow his wife Shaliza Aziz, but soon after seeing tremendous results from the business, he decided to give it 100%. 

His business partners from North to South of Malaysia. Distance is never a problem for those who really committed. 

DSM Azizul works as a Product Manager in TimeDotCom. He got involved in this business since 2011 as a part time. Started as just a follower, he now becomes the team leader and provides ideas, network strategies & consultation to his team.  

DSM Shazwan Salleh is an Oil & Gas Engineer based in Kuantan. Working full time and doing business as a part time, he is very commited GLAMpreneur. For every event he will not miss it! whether the event is in KL or overseas he will make sure he will be there despite of busy his schedules

DSM Shahrilnizam is a fulltime Software Engineer at TM Unifi who is already earning 5 figure income per month. He has been working for more than 15 years in IT industry. He is an ex-colleague of CDM Razali Zain, and now doing the business as part timer and also generating 5 figure via online. 

DSM Ikhman Ariff is a full time Unit Trust Consultant from MAA. He used to believe that only unit trust business can generate more income, but that has changed! Being a GLAMpreneur has changed his perspective and view of the business after generating his 5 figure income within 6 months. 

Used to work in Sibu he's a go getter and seizes every opportunity. He's confident that GLAM has all it takes to make it BIG. He now started to develop and introduce male proteges under his wings. 

DSM Mohd Ezamshah is a Senior Executive at Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering from Johor. Doing business as a partime basis but earning the income like a fulltime. 

Together with his wife he frequently travels to across Malaysia to support their business. Ezam, is also involved heavily in online marketing and social media. 

DSM Haiqal Rawlins is workin as Assistant Registrar at UKM. He is originally from Sarawak. Started as a one of my silent readers he decided to join and now becoming one of my many male protege. 

Very positive, teachable and determined, he loves challenges. Despite of his science based education background he took GLAM with a motivation to be successfull

DSM Farouk Harun is a young English Teacher from Southern Malaysia. Graduated from New Zealand, he is now strong dedicated GLAMpreneur. A fast learner and keen interest in online business he has the ability to go very far. 

DSM Ashraf Zain is another young English teacher in our group He is based in Kelantan. I still remember his email in which he wrote that he wants to do this business to help his mother. Graduated in Australia, he is the next generation of GLAMpreneurs that will conquer the world.

GLAMpreneurs is the No.1 online marketing group in Malaysia.

Be part of the revolution now.

Be Good,
Be Great,

Ini just diantara lelaki-lelaki melayu yg berjaya dalam team kami.. 
Dimana ada kemahuan disitu ada jalan

So, guys out there, together with your beloved wife, sisters, cousins, friends
be part of out team GLAMpreneur

Call Fara 016-2207975

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